Saturday, July 14, 2012

Breaking into song, because I can't find the key.

Holy cow, I can’t believe the day has come!  I am shipping off to Ohio! Already behind on readings because they forgot to send me the reading list...........
You know what though, I'm PUMPED.

The whole internship process seems like I started it two days ago, it happened faster than a Tallahassee second " ;) "
After switching majors, I just dove head first in the therapy world and the time to apply for internships just creeped up on me—wasn’t I just making my first parachute supplemental out of a bed sheet?
I remember my friend Kristen and I thinking “Shouldn’t they have warned us about this?”

Perhaps to give you some idea: appropriate internship searching starts about 9 months to a year in advance.
Going off AMTA rules of applying for only 4 internships at one time, I found my top four, and gathered recommendations, transcripts, etc. After sending out my first two applications to a hospital in TX and University Hospitals in OH, I was lucky enough to score an interview at both! 
The interview process was BEYOND scary; not knowing exactly what they’d ask you or tell you to play.  I thought I did well on my interview for TX and bombed Ohio’s, which apparently wasn't the case at all.  They asked questions about myself, my schooling, my philosophy, and situational questions.

 I applaud everyone doing these things. I prayed I did not have to do anymore..
Which, I didn’t.
At this point I was thinking I REALLY want to go to Texas because I want to live near my best friend, and well, TX is awesome.  On the other hand, OH would be the opportunity of a lifetime, how will I pick!? Fortunately, they made it pretty easy: TX told me no and OH told me yes. Funny I suppose.
From there, I thought my only stress would be worrying if I had to become a Cleveland Browns fan.
I was so relieved to have landed the internship, I thought I could just enjoy my last semesters at SU. Yet, as time carried on (as it usually does) realizations and realities set in.  I’ve never lived farther than an hour away from home.  What if I fail? What if my repertoire sucks?  What are my boyfriend and I going to do? Etc. Etc.
That’s basically where I am right now…nervous about the unknown.
Granted, each day it gets a little better, and I get a little a lot more excited.  Everyone I've spoken to is nothing but nice and assures me it is like one giant family.  I’ll admit I still have a little bit of fear, that's expected, but I am fully confident I will be fine, I will learn, and I will succeed.   

BYEEE VA see ya soon.

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